


• Output

Mode 1: 10500 Hz, 8 bit, S/N ~ 80 dB average (when LEDs are disabled)

Mode 2: 13300 Hz, 8 bit, S/N ~ 80 dB average (DCO 2 output, envelopes, filter and LEDs disabled)

• 2 monophonic DCOs

Waveforms: Saw up, saw down, square (0-100% pulse width), tri, noise, S&H noise, digital and silent

4 overload modes (for each DCO)

Retrig on/off (for each DCO)

Key follow on/off (for each DCO)

Sync slave mode for DCO 1

• 2 envelopes

Offset, attack, attack level, decay, sustain level and release

Legato mode

Loop mode: Envelope 1 = retrig LFO w/fade in, envelope 2 = LFO/free run

• Filter

Mode 1: Low, high, band pass or band rejection - all w/input boost option

Mode 2: High or/and low pass

• Matrix modulation

16 sources:

Envelope 1

Envelope 2



Pitch bend

Pitch bend downscaled




Velocity gate

Channel pressure

Key follow

Key follow upscaled

Hold pedal

Expression pedal

Breath control

15 destinations:

Arpeggio speed

DCO 1 amplitude

DCO 1 pitch

DCO 1 waveform

DCO 1 pulse width

DCO 1 offset

DCO 2 amplitude

DCO 2 pitch

DCO 2 waveform

DCO 2 pulse width

DCO 2 offset

Envelope 1 offset

Envelope 2 offset

Filter cutoff

Filter width (or cutoff2)

• Arpeggio

4-note buffer - very fast

• Step mode

Decreases Envelope 2 and DCO2 output resolution 0-7 bits


• Top

Three LEDs: Output (red), MIDI input (green) and DCO2 rate (yellow)

LCD, 16 characters 2 lines, backlit

Two Enter and two Escape buttons


• Rear

DC connector 9 V (+/- or -/+)

Line output jack (mono)


On/Off switch

• Bottom

LCD contrast

• Dimensions

~ 12 (W) * 12.8 (D) * 4.2 (H) cm

• Weight

545 g

• Power consumption @ 9 V DC

~ 200 mA

Signal routing and filtering

Matrix modulation

A parameter/destination can only read one source at the time. However, one source can easily control several destinations.

In the interest of product development, the specifications are subject to change without prior notice.