
First batch

Prototype print

Prototype case

Development setup

Dev. LCD read out

Welcome screen - only shown at startup.

Main menu - Channel, Stepsize ("Flt" is now "Stp") and Arpeggio speed (000=off).

Bit menu

-: Now called 'F' for ENV 2 free run.

D: Now called 'E' for ENV 1 loop.

K: Key Follow for DCO 2.

K: Key Follow for DCO 1.

T: Keytrig for DCO 2 (init @ note on).

T: Keytrig for DCO 1 (init @ note on).

L: Envelope Legato mode.

S: Sync DCO 1 (slave) to DCO 2.

DCO1 menu A - Amplitude, Frequency and Offset.

DCO1 menu B - Waveform, Pulse-width and Octave.

DCO2 menu A - Amplitude, Frequency and Offset.

DCO2 menu A - Values changed - cursor changing the frequency value.

DCO2 menu B - Waveform, Pulse-width and Octave.

Envelope 1 menu A - Offset, Attack and Level 1.

Envelope 1 menu B - Time 1 (Decay), Sustain level and Release.

(The envelopes are now rate based - so "Tim" is called "Dec")

Envelope 2 menu A - Offset, Attack and Level 1.

Envelope 2 menu B - Time 1 (Decay), Sustain level and Release.

Filter menu - Structure/filter type, Cutoff frequency and Band-width.

Filter menu - Values changed - cursor at the Cutoff value.


initial flowchart - slut means finish or end in Danish :)